2009年2月13日 星期五

Comic Outline

This story is take place in Taiwan, there is a university built on the mountain. It is a remote place from downtown. Besides students, not many people go there. In fact, they are doing a special research secretly. I am one of the students in that university and major in Software Engineering. One day, my professor showed me a contract with a check in his office. He wanted me to join the special research program. I saw the check the amount was so high that I decide to agree his request. I followed my professor and we enter the elevator just as normal. But he pressed 7-2-1-3-2-4-8, and then the elevator went down automatically. The secret Lab was in the basement. What we are doing is to analyze the thought of animals, in order to control animals. One year past, we start to experiment on real animals. But…..something wrong. All the animals in the zoo are in a coma. And we start to fix the big problem.

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