2009年4月28日 星期二

Course Reflection

In fact, I enjoy this course a lot. Different from computer science course, comm201 is more flexible and not too serious. At the first, I did not expect too much about this course, because I know there are a… lot of skills and aspects in this topic. I just want to learn something different and new. I think this course make it. By the way, I like the textbook so much. The information is useful and latest. I learn a lot of knowledge from the book that I think it will never be taught in a formal computer science course. It really extends my knowledge. I will keep it and read more about the content. The most impressive project is “comic book”. I never have done this before. Finally, I can have my own comic that is so cool! In the end, I just want to say thank you, I have a great experience here : )

2009年4月20日 星期一

Assignment 7

Clean up the crap that gunks up the hard drive and slow the online activities to a crawl, by using junk-cleaning program.

I like use junk-cleaning program to clean up the unnecessary stuff that occupy memory and slow down the speed.

A. It can erase the file and also writing over them with 1 and 0.
B. It can keep your information from stealing and make sure all magnetic particles that store the information lose all record.

A. When we visit some website, they embed a little text file, called cookie.
B. Good: Cookie can let the website identify users and recommend products.
Bad: It may intrude into privacy.

A. Program that record every keystroke you and send the information back.
B. Lavasoft’s Ad-Aware Personal, Microsoft’s Windows Defender
C. They are actually spyware promulgator. Before install them search for the name and product at Symantec.com.

A. Phishing is a scam that sends you an e-mail by pretending the e-mail is from some company or organization, in order to get your personal information. Pharming is a type of identity theft committed when you land on a phony web site.
B. Yes, but I just ignore those scams.

2009年4月6日 星期一

Assignment 6

A. Wi-Fi just stands for Wi-Fi

B. Wi-Fi is a way to replace data cables and let users to connect internet everywhere. The particular frequencies they use to transmit are unlicensed, meaning anyone can use them without having to obtain a license from the government.

A. You can check the logging function which lets you see what Web sites have been accessed recently, check your computer security software and use WallWatcher, a logfiller program.

B. Hide the network.
Encrypt the network.

A. That is horrible, I never think about that. Although I feel convenient if there is an open wireless connection to use, it will also run the risk of helping the crime. I think I will hide my network.

B. No, in the end the author said that no one has been charged yet. But I think we still have to prevent this situation happen. No one will be happy if the crime is happen. Especially access your internet.

A. The traditional 911 service does not work.
Power and network outage.

B. Yes, actually I use Skype a lot. It really cheap! Especially for the international call.

A. He declares email bankruptcy and sent the message to all the folks.

B. It must be brave enough to do that. I think I better learn how to manage my e-mail account that mention in the book to keep this situation happen.

A. Don’t let spammers know you exist.
B. Don’t ever reply to a spam or click the “unsubscribe” link.
C. Don’t ever buy anything advertised via spam.

2009年3月20日 星期五

Assignment 5

No, but I try it after I read the book. It is pretty cool and useful. The picture is clear and easy to search the location, even provide the information.

Poor seats: row 1 C and D and all seats in row 26.

The seats in row 26 are too close to the galley and lavatory and due to the curvature of the plane the seat may be tighter. The seats in row 1 C and D have very restricted legroom and even do not have floor storage for these seats during takeoff and landing.

A. It an easy way to transfer money. Pretty cool, just use cell phone to connect the account and send your money to others.

B. No, it makes me feel not real and lose the sense of safety. I would rather go to ATM to withdraw money.

A. My FICO scores are estimated to be between: 685-735.
The FICO score is what leaders use to determine whether or not to give you a loan and what interest they will charge you if they do decide to give you a loan.

B. No.

A. Mrs. Doris Moncada is the mother of four children and all of them are 100% dependent on them for their educational and nutritional needs. She runs a general store. She wants the loan to have a bigger business. She wants to remodel her house so that the business can be larger and attend to more customers.

B. Florentina has a business selling sweets at a small school in the city of Juliaca. But she suffers quite a bit every time it rains and she has to hurry to guard her things. She hopes to have a store where she can sell her sweets and other products to increase her wages and thus have a worthy life.

2009年3月13日 星期五

Assignment 4

False - Casinos pump extra oxygen onto the gaming floors during the early-morning hours to keep tired patrons from heading off to bed.

False!! - Roast fetus is the latest gourmet food in Taiwan.

In my opinion, I think this the way to prevent corruption and clarify the account. Disclose the data seems more fair and just.

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol. It makes more files for numbers of people to download them.

BitTorrent makes user’s computer in on the job of sharing the files. When you download n the file, you also uploading the part you already downloaded to other users.

Good question, I and Ricky went to Chicago and Philadelphia. Chicago is good. It’s a beautiful city, especially for the night view. I watched a NBA game there and ate the famous deep dish pizza. I had a great time there. But Chicago is still cold. Philadelphia is a historical place. I visit the Independence Hall and Liberty Bell. I think I got more idea about the American history. There are two famous cheese steak restaurants, which the location is pretty close. So I decide to eat both of them and I think the cheese steaks are both delicious. To sum up, I had a great spring break : )

2009年2月20日 星期五

Assignment 3

Proxy bidding will automatically bid for you each time you’re outbid. You set a maximum amount, and it will automatically add one more dollar on the current high bid until your maximum amount. That will be more convenient. It is unnecessary for user to wait in front of computer and user can control their budget.

A. Search for misspelled items to find a bargain price.
B. If you enter correct spelling for an item, and it will search eBay using multiple misspelled variants at once.

You win the bid on eBay and receive the item. But the seller used the stolen credit card to buy your item on different website. And using your address. So you may be arrest for the illegal behavior. So to prevent this situation, never use wire transfer to pay and if receive the item which is in a box from Amazon. You should contact Amazon and eBay to explain.

Virtual credit card is a good way to prevent hackers. Some bank’s cardholder can purchase items on line without real card number. The cardholder can log into the ShpoSafe page and enter the limit amount. It will generate a unique and temporary number for you. So you can use it to purchase items on line.

2009年2月13日 星期五

Comic Outline

This story is take place in Taiwan, there is a university built on the mountain. It is a remote place from downtown. Besides students, not many people go there. In fact, they are doing a special research secretly. I am one of the students in that university and major in Software Engineering. One day, my professor showed me a contract with a check in his office. He wanted me to join the special research program. I saw the check the amount was so high that I decide to agree his request. I followed my professor and we enter the elevator just as normal. But he pressed 7-2-1-3-2-4-8, and then the elevator went down automatically. The secret Lab was in the basement. What we are doing is to analyze the thought of animals, in order to control animals. One year past, we start to experiment on real animals. But…..something wrong. All the animals in the zoo are in a coma. And we start to fix the big problem.

2009年2月6日 星期五

Assignment 2

Wikipedia is a very useful tool. I use it a lot when doing my reports. It provides different language version for user to search. For this assignment, I search for “Pittsburgh Steelers”. In Taiwan, we don’t play football and don’t have any football team. I have no idea about the rule and the background. But when I watched the super bowl, it was so exciting! So I search for Steelers to get more information. The Pittsburgh Steelers are a professional American football team based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They are currently a member of the North Division of the American Football Conference (AFC) in the National Football League (NFL). Stealers won the super bowl six times, which is more than any other AFC or NFC team. One thing is very interesting that I found in the page. In 1943 season Steelers merged with the Philadelphia Eagles and formed the "Steagles"; the team's colors at that time were green and white as a result of wearing Eagles uniforms. That is an interesting history. Through this page, I learn more about Steelers, it is a great team. Maybe I can say I am lucky, because I study in PA!



The Sudoko Cube is a variation on a Rubik's Cube in which the faces have numbers one to nine on the sides instead of colours. The aim is to solve Sudoku puzzles on one ore more of the sides. The toy was created in 2006 by Jay Horowitz. The Sudoku Cube is more complicated than the Rubik's Cube. In a standard Rubik's Cube, the player must match up colours on each side of the cube. In the Sudoku cube, the player must place the numbers one to nine on each side with no repetition. This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Sudokube". This entry is a fragment of a larger work. Link may die if entry is finally removed or merged.

In fact, I don’t think this article has any problem. Maybe it did not meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The format has something wrong or the content is not complete. Need more information to provide this article.

Web 2.0 is more interactive than Web 1.0. And combine the technologies of user-created content, social networking, and publishing. The concepts are “interact” and “share”. For example, blog’s content is create by user instead of the website provide all the information.

1996 http://web.archive.org/web/19961017235908/http://www2.yahoo.com/

Compare with two websites. The current one adds more functions and links. The icon is more pretty and shipshape. And the arrangement is better. They put all the categories on the left that will be easier for user to use. And for the search function, the current one provides different ways to search. Such as images and videos. In general old one is too simple and the current one has more function and better arrangement.

2009年1月30日 星期五

Assignment 1

Nowadays we use blog or watch news on the internet a lot. I heard RSS before. But I ever use it and even don’t understand what it means. RSS is a way to subscribe to a blog. If the blog update, you will receive the information by your RSS reader and display it. It is very convenient. I have so many friends that have blog. If I want to visit so many blogs by clicking the link on the browser, it may spend a lot of time. RSS reader also shows the list of headline. I can just look at the list and choose what I think is interesting. RSS service is available on many website. We can easily subscribe to an RSS feed and also give my blog an RSS feed.

This chapter talkes a lot about blog. I use blog for a long time, and some function I already use before. In Taiwan, the most popular blog service website is wretch ( http://www.wretch.cc/ ). This website was created by few college students, and it is very useful and easy to use. So it is getting very popular. In the end Yahoo spend 22 million USD to buy the website. Like the view option function that mention in the book. The website also provides. I think it is very good. Sometimes I just want my friend to read my blog; some articles are private or particular to someone. I don’t want the public to read it. So I like this function.

I have iTunes and iPod, but I never use podcasts before. The idea is pretty similar to RSS. Different from the traditional broadcast, we don’t need to listen the program at the particular time. If any new program publishes, it will download automatically. You can listen it on your computer, even put it into your MP3. No matter what time you can enjoin the program. You can also create an own podcast. This technology is very convenient and useful.

Have you created a website before? If yes, for what purpose?
Yes, I took a website design course before. In the end I create a website about table tennis. Now I am the web maintainer of IUP and doing the website for the Health and Physical Education department.

Do you regularly visit any blogs?
Yes, I visit my friend’s blogs daily.

Do you find blogs worthwhile to visit?
Yes, I like to travel, and some blogs are focuses on introduce the travel information. So it is worthwhile to visit.

Were you familiar with RSS feeds prior to reading about them?
No, I just know there is a technology call RSS, but I have no idea about it before I read the book.

Do you subscribe to any RSS feeds?
No, but I think I will try.

Have you ever downloaded podcasts or vodcasts?
No, it is not quite popular in Taiwan, but I will try.

2009年1月20日 星期二

About me: CHIA-MIN

Hi, I'm CHIA-MIN, HUANG. If this name is too difficult for you to remember, you can just call me Chris. I'm an exchange student from Taiwan. I finished my first and second year in TKU (my native college). And then do my third year in IUP. Actually, My major is computer science. But as an exchange student I want to try different department's courses. It's a good opportunity to learn more knowledge besides computer. So far I took writing, media presentation skill, interior design, VB, C++, Computer science, software engineering and this course. That is a very precious experience for me.

Now, I live in the Scranton hall. Although the dorm is old, it's cheap and convenient. For me, I really like to play table tennis. In TKU, I was the leader of table tennis club. I had been train since I was 14 (I'm 20 now). If you are interesting, we can have fun to play it together.

Another interest for me is travel. I went a lot of places around Taiwan and Japan. The most impressive one was I went to Hong Kong by myself when I was a freshmen. In the past few months, I went to NY, Pittsburgh, Walt Disney World, Washington D.C, Boston and some place around Indiana. I join it very much.
I will go back to Taiwan when this semester is end. And then finish my college degree. I hope I can work hard in order to get into graduate school, even try harder to study abroad again.

“Life is short, I want to see more and learn more.”